Spring REIT

Investor Relations
Investor Relations


What is a real estate investment trust ("REIT")? ​

A REIT is a collective investment scheme constituted as a unit trust that invests primarily in income-producing real estate assets and uses the income to provide stable returns to its Unitholders.

What is Spring REIT?​

Please refer to the section of “ABOUT SPRING REIT - Spring REIT Overview” for the details.

What properties does Spring REIT own? ​

Please refer to the section of “THE PROPERTIES” for the details of Spring REIT’s property portfolio.

Who is the manager of Spring REIT?​

Please refer to the section of “THE REIT MANAGER - About the REIT Manager” for the details.

What are the benefits of investing in the units of Spring REIT?​

(i) Access to sizable and high-quality real estate investments

REIT investors benefit from a sizable pool of capital that can acquire interests in much larger real estate assets than what would typically be accessible to capital of individual investors. By investing in the units of Spring REIT, investors can own part of its sizable and high-quality real estate assets in manageable position sizes.

(ii) Dedicated and professional management

Investors of Spring REIT benefit from the expertise of a dedicated and experienced management team responsible for the day-to-day operation and the development of the business.

(iii) Promising dividend distribution

In accordance with the requirements of the REIT Code issued by the SFC, the REIT Manager’s policy is to distribute to Unitholders no less than 90% of Spring REIT’s total distributable income for each financial year.

Please see the "Dividend Distribution" section of our website for additional information.

(iv) Transparency and governance

Spring REIT adopts a statutory and regulatory corporate governance framework which requires the Manager to be licensed and regulated on an on-going basis by the SFC. It also adopts an established internal corporate governance and disclosure framework overseen by an independent Trustee and the Board of the REIT Manager.

(v) Enhanced liquidity

Being listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, investors can buy and sell the units of Spring REIT relatively easily and efficiently. In contrast, directly buying and selling properties involves higher expenses and takes a longer time.

Where is Spring REIT listed?​

Spring REIT is listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited under stock code 1426. It is traded just like any Main Board listed stocks in Hong Kong.

What is the stock code of Spring REIT?​

Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: 1426)

What is the board lot size of Spring REIT?​

The board lot size is 1,000 units.

Who are the major unitholders of Spring REIT?​

Units of Spring REIT are owned by a number of institutional and retail investors in Hong Kong and around the world. For the latest unitholding disclosure information, please refer to the "Disclosure of Interests" section of the HKExnews website (http://www.hkexnews.hk) of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

How much will the dividend distribution be?​

The REIT Manager’s policy is to distribute to Unitholders no less than 90% of Spring REIT’s annual distributable income for each financial year. Pursuant to the Trust Deed, the REIT Manager may at its discretion from time to time direct the Trustee to make distributions over and above the minimum 90% of total distributable income. Distributions will be declared in Hong Kong dollars.

Please see the "Dividend Distribution" section of our website for additional information.

How frequent is the dividend distribution paid?​

Spring REIT’s initial distribution policy is that two distributions will be made in respect of each year, being distributions with respect to the six-month periods ending June 30 and December 31. It is anticipated that interim and final distributions will be paid in September/October and May in each year, respectively.

Please see the "Dividend Distribution" section of our website for additional information.

Do I have to hold onto the Units until the date of payment in order to be entitled for distribution?​

No. Distribution will be paid to persons who are Unitholders as at the record date with respect to each distribution. If your are in doubt, please consult your financial advisor or stock broker.

What is the contact information of the unit registrar and transfer office of Spring REIT?​

17/F, Far East Finance Centre,
16 Harcourt Road,
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2980 1333